Another day, another new experience. This time it was solo to AUS to pick up JMR. Lost my GPS for the first ten minutes of the flight, so I wandered around to establish a VOR heading, then fiddled with Anywheremap and the GPS to get both working. Got 'em going, then had to avoid several storm cells on the way to Austin that I had hoped had already passed. They hadn't.

To make a long story short, contacted Austin Approach 118.80 about twenty nm out to the NE, they handed me to another approach, who handed me off to the tower, who all together guided me to a straight-in landing to RW 17L.
No flaps, 120 kias until threshold assured, kill power, glide, touch on mains, slow all the way to the end, then turn off and get progressives to Signature Aviation (second FBO on the right after making a left on Bravo, in case you were wondering.
Signature gave me a little green Ford Focus while 5400J was gassed (8 gal), and I picked up John at the terminal. He flew direct back to CLL, which is why his route is so, well, direct.
Still, it was fun and challenging, at least to me, dodging rainshowers.