The last few flights have been for fun: another lunch at Carl's (Weiser), Hilltop Lakes, a couple of trips with the kids...
I had hoped to go to the Georgetown Tamale breakfast on Saturday (4/13) but couldn't get VFR weather until 11AM. The plane had to be back by 1, so Chris and Ben and I flew high (up to 6000') around Caldwell, did a couple of landings at Hearne for practice, and then back to CLL.
Ben got a kick out of flying the plane up high, though he could barely see out of the front windshield.
This Friday, John R has his checkride scheduled. He aced the written part and I'm sure he'll do the same with his PPTS with Gary. He's spending the next few days with Andy doing his requisite instrument training. That was some of the best flying I've done, and I'm sure he'll have a good time, too.
I talked to Andy about a tailwheel endorsement, and he said fine, as soon as the Citabria gets up in the air again at Coulter. I also want to pursue an instrument rating, but will be content building hours of any kind for now. My tax refund (>$7000 I think) will get stuffed in the bank and hopefully provide a down-payment on a plane someday, but that's a different story. Right now, I think that Lou's RV-7 would be a great plane to own, if it can be had for $40K or so. We'll see how Diane feels over the next few weeks/months.