In Flight

Learning to fly: August 2001 - ?

Friday, October 05, 2001

"The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good shit. A first solo at night is one of the few opportunities to experience all three at the same time."

-Author unknown

Have a look at the map of my world. I hope to keep it growing!

Went to Navasota (60R) Thursday night. Did a touch & back-taxi & go with Andy, then two alone. Pretty routine, but started to get really dark and the runway lights weren't reponding to 7 squawks! Turns out they want 5 squawks only to turn on. I found that out as we were leaving.

Pretty stiff wind from 160 today...10 knots gusting to 17. Slowed us down going south and pushed us quicker on return. Contacted the tower and tried to squawk the lights on (while they still had control!) and they let me know that's a no-no. Andy was pretty laid back about it.

Routine left pattern, overshot turn to final and had to squirrel a turn back to track 16. Normal landing, but no grease. A little sideways motion and I hung up in the ground effects again.

I've got to work on slowing my flare; it's often leveling out about 15' over the runway instead of 3-5' where I'd like it. But Easterwood is very forgiving--just hold the flare and eventually you return to earth.

And so we did. Two supervised solos down, one to go!