In Flight

Learning to fly: August 2001 - ?

Tuesday, October 16, 2001


Tonight I wanted to practice (1) pattern flying [1300', square turns, precise speed control], (2) tower communications, and (3) landings. And guess what?

Everything fell into place just fine!

I knew on arrival at CLL that I had 75 minutes from preflight to tie-down, so I could pick up Mick from running chains at his school's football game. It was 6:15p.

6:15 --->The plane needs gas (of course...I'm the gasman) and thorough preflight (it hadn't been flown today)
6:40 ---> "Clear!" Ignition. "Easterwood ground, Cessna 49785 at the Flying Club with information November, ready for taxi for pattern work and touch & go's"
6:45 ---> Runup complete. Easterwood tower, Cessna 785 at Charlie and RW34 ready for takeoff"
6:47 ---> Airborne! Tower directs me to a close right climb into the pattern.
6:49 ---> "Easterwood tower, Cessna 785 on right downwind midfield for landing on 34"
6:51 ---> First landing, to full stop at request of tower as jet using RW10 for takeoff goes across in front of me.
6:52 to 7:18 ---> Two touch & go's and one more landing to full stop as Seneca flew across RW10 in a low pass at 800' and tower gave me the option to touch & go or stop. I chose stop.
7:22 ---> Final landing, leave active runway. "Easterwood tower, Cessna 49785, thanks for your help tonight, you made that practice really easy!"

Landings were all good, two-wheel. Tower directed me to close right pattern, close left pattern, and three normal left patterns. Also called my base twice and gave me the option of a right 270 turn to base out of downwind on a left pattern to allow an Air Force trainer in from 5 miles, which worked great! All the pattern turns were pretty square, although I flew crosswind a little further than I would have liked several times. Not ridiculous, but made for a little longer base. The longest final was maybe a mile and a half.

Parked it, window-shaded it, DOUBLE-CHECKED THE MASTER, and tied it down. Picked up Mick 7 minutes late, but not bad.

I still need a few hours up there for some extended (mini) cross-country to all my airports. Maybe soon...