Wednesday was exhilarating!
Late afternoon saw 1.1 hours of touch-and-go's, seven in all. All of them were, er, not bad. A couple were really pretty good, IMHO. Mainly I learned to relax during the process. Carb heat. Cut throttle back. Flaps at 10. Speed at 65 KIAS. Nose down at numbers. Couple of fingers on yoke. Flaps at 20. Fairly steep descent. Flare. Pause 1..2..3. Touch. Rudder. Then carb-heat-in, full throttle, flaps retracted. Rotate. Hold. Climb out. Kewl.
Later did a half-hour or so night flight around College Station, with simulated power-out landing. All instruments out. Hit it pretty good, small bounce but held controls steady and settled down. My adrenaline is flowing pretty good right now, but not only from the excitement of flying. I've got that inner feeling of 'getting my hands around' the idea of piloting a plane. This is the first time I've felt this way...same feeling as when you work out an algorithm that you know will work and can't wait to get back to the computer: like you've finally 'figured it out.'
Also finished rev 1.0 of my logbook. I'd like to stick a PHP interface into it so I can easily enter new flights, but that'll have to wait 'til later.
I'm pumped about Friday!
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