My last two flights have been as uneventful as they were different from each other.
Wednesday I took a late time to do some night flying in ended up .2 hours! I did one pattern and landing and parked it; the tenths digit of the radio was burnt out and I didn't feel comfortable. Now I feel like I could've done more, but it was the right decision at the time.
Friday afternoon John R and I shared 5400J in a trip to Brenham (11R) with Andy. John soloed two touch and go's after I navigated down there. I also did some stalls and steep turns under Andy's eye (pretty poor performance, especially since John aced the piss out of all his maneuvers). But the upshot is that I got signed off on all the local airports, and in C172 as well as the C152 I already had.
I'm hoping to do a circuit today at 6pm...will write more when that's accomplished.
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